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La batería diseñada por IA puede reducir el consumo de litio en 70%

Febrero 17, 2024

Inteligencia artificial (AI) puede acelerar el proceso de búsqueda y prueba de nuevos materiales. Recientemente, Los investigadores de Microsoft utilizaron IA para diseñar una nueva batería que reduce significativamente la dependencia del costoso mineral litio..

Las baterías de iones de litio alimentan muchos de los dispositivos que utilizamos todos los días., así como vehículos eléctricos. sin embargo, El litio es caro y su minería puede dañar el medio ambiente.. Finding alternatives to this critical metal is time-consuming, requiring researchers to develop and test millions of candidate materials over several years.

Ahora, using AI technology, Microsoft’s Nathan Baker and colleagues have completed this mammoth task in a few months. They designed and built a new type of battery that uses 70% less lithium.

Based on 23.6 million candidate materials, the researchers tweaked the structure of existing electrolytes to swap some lithium atoms for other elements. They then used AI algorithms to weed out materials that were unstable and had weak chemical reactions in the battery. The researchers also considered how each material would perform when used as a battery. In just a few days, they whittled down the list of candidate materials to a few hundred, some of which had never been studied before.

I’m not a materials scientist,” Baker said, “so I called some experts who are working on large batteries to consult.

Vijay Murugesan of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory was one of the scientists who answered the call. He and his colleagues proposed some additional AI screening criteria. After multiple rounds of elimination, Murugesan’s team finally selected a material from the AI’s suggestions to synthesize in the lab. They used the material to create a working battery that was powerful enough to light a lightbulb, although it was less conductive than similar batteries that used more lithium.

Rafael Gómez Bombarelli of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US, who was not involved in the project, said the team used AI to speed up and enhance calculations that physicists have been doing for decades, but the approach may still hit roadblocks in the future. He said the data needed to train an AI to find lithium alternatives is often sparse, but targeting materials other than battery components may require more complex combinations of elements.


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  • Sobre nosotros

    Nos especializamos en personalizar todos los tipos de baterías recargables y las baterías durante más de 10 años, incluyendo battteries de iones de litio, baterías de polímero de litio,pilas Ni-MH,Las baterías de Ni-Cd,baterías LiFePO4.


  • Cómo obtener sus baterías

    en primer lugar,por favor nos envía su especificación de la batería requirements.Secondly,después de que todos los detalles se confirman las informaciones,muestras de baterías se dispondrán para su testing.Thirdly,La producción en masa será arreglado después de las muestras están aprobados.

  • certificaciones

    certificaciones requeridas se pueden hacer de acuerdo a los clientes’ requisitos.

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