Литиевая батарейка is a kind of battery composed of lithium metal or lithium alloy as positive / материал отрицательного электрода, с использованием неводного раствора электролита. Из-за химических характеристик металлический литий очень активен., обработка, сохранение и использование металлического лития, экологические требования очень высоки. С развитием науки и техники, lithium battery has become the mainstream.
1. Каковы основные компоненты материалов литиевых батарей?
Carbon anode materials: the actual anode materials used in lithium ion batteries are basically carbon materials, such as artificial graphite, natural graphite, intermediate phase carbon microspheres, petroleum coke, carbon fiber, pyrolysis resin carbon, и т.д.
Tin-based cathode materials: Tin-based cathode materials can be divided into tin oxide and tin-based composite oxide. Oxide refers to the oxide of various valent metal tin. There are no commercial products available.
Nitrides: No commercial product.
Alloy category: including tin-based alloy, silicon-based alloy, germanium-based alloy, aluminum-based alloy, antimony-based alloy, magnesium-based alloy and other alloys, and there are no commercial products.
Nanoscale: nano-carbon tubes, nano-alloy materials.
Nanooxide: According to the latest market developments in the lithium battery new energy industry in 2009, many companies have begun to use nano titanium oxide and nano silicon oxide to add to the previously traditional graphite, tin oxide, nano carbon tubes, greatly improving the charge and discharge volume and charge and discharge times of lithium batteries.
2. Four main materials for lithium batteries
Lithium battery material composition mainly includes cathode material, катодный материал, diaphragm and electrolyte.
1, cathode materials: among the lithium cathode materials, the most commonly used materials are lithium cobalt oxide, lithium manganese oxide, lithium iron phosphate and ternary materials (polymer of nickel cobalt manganese).
2, cathode materials: among the cathode materials, the current lithium battery cathode materials are mainly natural graphite and artificial graphite. The anode materials being explored are nitrides, НЕТ, оксиды на основе олова, оловянные сплавы, nanoanode materials, и некоторые другие интерметаллические соединения.
3, диафрагма: market diaphragm materials are mainly polyethylene (polyethylene, PE), polypropylene (polypropylene, PP) based polyolefin (Polyolefin) диафрагма. In the structure of lithium battery, диафрагма - один из ключевых компонентов внутреннего слоя.
4. Электролит: the electrolyte is composed of high purity organic solvent, электролит литиевая соль, необходимые добавки и другое сырье, при определенных условиях, согласно определенной пропорции.
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