Low temperature will affect the life of литиевая батарейка. Электродные материалы литий-ионных аккумуляторов снижают активность при низких температурах., повышенное сопротивление, снижение скорости электрохимических реакций, уменьшенная емкость аккумулятора, и снижение эффективности заряда и разряда, тем самым влияя на срок службы литиевых батарей.
Для системы управления аккумулятором, литиевые батареи имеют следующие требования:
Контроль давления аккумулятора: Once the battery voltage exceeds its rated voltage range, it will cause problems such as battery overcharge, heat generation, failure or safety accidents.
Current control: The charging current and discharging current of the battery need to be strictly controlled within a safe range to ensure the normal use and maximum life of the battery.
Battery temperature control: The battery will have different performance and life performance at different temperatures. Следовательно, it is necessary to manage the temperature of the battery and keep it within a suitable operating temperature range.
Battery status monitoring: The battery management system needs to be able to monitor the status and information of the battery in real time, so as to detect and solve problems in time and provide support for relevant decisions.
Battery safety control: The battery management system needs to adopt protective measures and safety controls to prevent the occurrence of battery overcharge, чрезмерная разрядка, короткое замыкание, overtemperature, и т.п., so as to ensure the personal safety of users.
Суммируя, the battery management system plays an important role in guaranteeing the long-term stability and safety of lithium batteries, and battery management strategies and technologies should be formulated reasonably according to different types and conditions of use of lithium batteries.
For more inquiry of customized battery pack,пожалуйста, свяжитесь с:sales@customizedbattery.com